
This January, a hospital from the Netherlands will be hosting a charity event, where they hope to raise funds for a medical clinic in West-Africa. One of my fellow students, a member of the organizing committee, approached me. She asked whether I would be willing to donate an artpiece for the charity auction they will host.

When it comes to fair and honest causes, this is definitly one of them. I promised her I would draw and/or paint an artwork for the occassion.


You can view the progress I have made so far in the featured imaged above. I couldn’t decide whether I would want to donate an traditional artwork, or a digital one. But then I thought: why not both? Starting with a rough sketch made with soft pastels on structured, toned paper. It is composed using just three basic colours: soft tones of blue, green and purple. Next step was intergrating the drawing to the digital medium by photographing it. And now I am in the proces of adding digital paint and altering the colours for a bit.

It’s not finished yet, the drawing needs more colour and details, but I am getting there.

The finished artwork will be posted here soon, so be sure to check in!

Love, Eve

Fault – Short Film

Recently, I was asked to draw and design a poster for an American filmproject called Fault;  a short film which tells the story of a young couple who must face the aftermath of a tragedy. The writer of the screenplay, a talented young actress who goes by the name of Shauna Richardson, was looking for a unique way for a unique cover and contacted me.

Me! Haha! Can imagine my delight when I read about this project? Of course, I said yes. And a couple of e-mails, draft drawings, colour changes, name placement adjustments, loads of coffee and maybe a glass of red wine (or two) later, the poster displayed above became the endresult. I am ever so pleased with the poster, and so where the people across the pond! It became one of their promotional posters and can be viewed on their IG page (IG account: faultfilm).

Watch the progress of this filmproject on  their IG as well as their IMDB page: Fault – Short Film . I will be updating some time later about this project as well.

Now it’s time for my next project: an artpiece for a charity auction hosted by the hospital I worked at. Will be updating regularly, so be sure too check in soon!

Lots of love, Eve